Create a Case

Applies To:Ipro for desktop

In this article

Step 1: Add Basic Case Information

Step 2: Load a Case Definition

Step 3: Define Database Fields

Step 4: Create a Tag Palette

Step 5: Create Redaction Palette

Step 6: Select Case Options

Step 7: Define Case Options

Step 8: Review Case Summary


In the Case Management module, you create cases into which you will later import images or native files. This topic contains high-level procedures to help you create a case in Case Management.

The following illustration shows the basic process outline. The numbers correspond to the procedures later in this topic You can click on the numbered steps in the image to jump to a specific task in the workflow.

Tip: To make it easier to find the procedures you need, the procedures are collapsed. If you want to expand a procedure, click the triangle next to the procedure title to open and close the detailed information.

ClosedStep 1: Add Basic Case Information

The first step in creating a case involves defining the basic case details:

  1. On the Dashboard, click the Case Management module.

  2. In the navigation panel, click the Cases tab.

  3. Click the Create Case button above the case table.

  4. In the Case Info step, enter all information:

    • Client ID: Select the client whose case is being defined. If the client is not listed, add it as explained in Add a Client, then return to creating cases.

    • Case Name: Enter a name for the case. This name must be unique and cannot include certain special characters. The hyphen, underscore, and parentheses are among the characters allowed. Maximum length is 75 characters.

      Note: The following characters are not permitted in a case name: \ ? / : * " < > |

    • Matter Number: This entry is optional. If needed, enter a case matter number of up to 100 characters.

    • Data Directory: The location where Case Management will place database-specific files and other files required for the case. A case-specific folder will be created for each case. The entry may be a mapped drive or UNC path, but it must be accessible by all users. (A UNC path can help ensure this.) The data directory can be one of the following:

      • The system directory identified when you first logged in. This is the default location.

      • Another directory defined to be the default data directory (see Configure System Level Options). This directory can optionally be set as the required directory (no override allowed during case creation).

      • A user-selected directory (if a required data directory is not defined).

  5. When finished, click Next to continue with the next step.

ClosedStep 2: Load a Case Definition

The second step in creating a case is typically that of defining needed database fields.

NOTE: Each case can include a maximum of 500 fields.

This step can be accomplished in one of 5 ways:

  • Option 1: Copy from Existing Case: Copy the definition of an existing case. All settings for the existing case will be used for the new case (make changes as needed), this includes:

    • Database field names and types

    • Tag palette

    • Redaction palette

    • Stop words

    • Case options

  • With this option, you have the opportunity to change the case details (fields, tags, etc.) before the case is created. To use option 1:

    1. Click the Option 1 - Copy from Existing Case option.
    2. Select a Client ID.
    3. Select a Case Name.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Review the copied case details on each of the subsequent tabs. You may need to change some of the settings. Any changes you make in the wizard will impact the current case you are creating and will not affect the existing case.
  • Option 2: Load From Case Definition File: Case Management allows you to create case definition (.CSE) files, which can serve as “templates” for future cases. All settings for the existing case will be used for the new case (make changes as needed). This includes:

    • Database field definitions

    • Tag and redaction palettes

    • Stop words and case options

    • Keywords

    • Coding Forms

      See the Closedtable below for more information on the case definition options.

    1. Click the Option 2 - Load from Case Definition File option.
    2. Click the Browse button.
    3. Navigate to the location where the .CSE file is stored. Click on the file and click the Open button.
    4. Click Next.
  • Option 3: Load Fields from a Data Load File: Use a load file (.CSV, .DAT, and .DLF. Database field names will be defined. See the Closedtable for more details about the supported file types.

    1. Click the Option 3 - Load Fields from a Data Load File option.
    2. Click the Browse button.
    3. Navigate to the location where the load file is stored. Click on the file and click the Open button.
    4. Select a Field Delimiter.
    5. Select a Quote Delimiter.
    6. Click Next.
  • Option 4: Use Default Template: The default template is a set of basic system fields that is pre-defined for your use.

    1. Click the Option 4: Use Default Template option.
    2. Click Next.
  • Option 5: Use Native File Ingestion Template: Provides you with a template that includes a set of fields. These are a pre-defined set of basic system fields as well as fields commonly used with native files, including several that correlate to e-mail content.

    1. Click the Option 5: Use Native File Ingestion Template option.
    2. Click Next.


    Option 5: Use Native File Ingestion Template is the default template selected when you create a case.

ClosedStep 3: Define Database Fields

Create new fields or change pre-defined or imported fields on the Define Database tab.

About Database Fields

The Define Database tab lists all available fields and allows you to add and edit fields, as required to meet your business needs.

ClosedClick here to view detailed information about the supported field types including definitions for each of the files.


Basic System Fields: There are a number of fields that are required for every case and cannot be deleted from a case. ClosedClick here to see the basic system fields that are required fields and that cannot be deleted from a case.


Other System Field Types: There are additional field types included in the default case templates. These field types are used for case-specific purposes (e.g. CUSTODIAN field) or other reasons (e.g. FILE_EXT, etc. are used for reporting purposes such as in the Case Data Summary Report). Prior to release 2013.1.0, a FILETYPE field existed. This field is changed to the FILE_EXT field when you upgrade to 2013.1.0 or later. ClosedClick here to see a list of other system field types.


User-defined Fields: There are some field types that can be defined as needed for your case. ClosedClick here to view the list of user-defined fields.












Note: The DELETED field type is applied to fields deleted from an existing case; useful for administrative purposes.



System-generated Fields: Case Management generates the following two system fields when a case is created; no user action is required (or possible) regarding the inclusion of these fields. ClosedClick here to see the system-generated fields table.


Includes a system-generated record identifier for internal use.


Includes a list of all tags applied to each document.

These fields appear in some other areas of the application (such as when importing or exporting data); it is optional to map or select them for these functions. These fields can be displayed in Review.


Field details: Each of the available fields is listed in the Field Types table. Click here to view the ClosedField Types table and notes about the table.

When reviewing the field table, note the following:

  • Data Type Details
    • Database data types are all variable-length Unicode character strings.

    • The MEMO data type refers to MEMO, MULTI_VALUE, and EXTRACTEDTEXT fields in which the data exceeds 250 characters in length, for which case data is stored in a special database table.

  • Field Mapping - Generally, the fields you define using these field types will match the fields defined in your load files or other sources (such as ingested native files). It is possible to map more than one field to a single field in your case. See Overview: Import/Export for details on importing data or Overview: Processing Files for details on ingesting files.


Field Types


Max. Size

Data Type




80 char.

Variable-length string

  • Used for parent/child relationships. For example, an email with attachments.

  • Identifies the first member in a set of related documents (contains the BEGDOC of the first document in the set).

  • Max. Per Case: 1




Var.-length string

  • Unique document identifier (image key). If not defined by user, field is created automatically when case is created.

  • A document and its first page will have the same BEGDOC value.

  • Tilde (~) cannot be used in this field.

  • Max. Per Case: 1

  • This field sorts in alphabetical (not numeric) order (thus 0001000 and 00000000400000 will both sort before 020). The numeric portion BEGDOC values should be a consistent width in order to maintain proper sort order (for example, values should be ABC-001 and ABC-002, etc., not ABC‑001, ABC-0000002, etc.).

  • This field was called “IMAGEKEY” in releases prior to 1.3.3.




Var.-length string

  • Basic text field; typically used to identify the data owner, for example, in whose office the document was found.
  • Max. Per Case: 1


8 char. (as stored internally); see notes.

Var.-length string

  • Date information. Any standard date format can be imported; if greater than 8 characters, it will be converted to 8-character format.

  • Final date format (regardless of format in load file) is selected during case creation. See Step 6: Select Case Options.

  • For details on dates in the load file, see Import Case Data .


14 char. (as stored internally); see notes.

Var.-length string

  • Date and time information together in the same field. Any standard date/time format can be imported.

  • Format example: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM (or PM); 24-hour times are converted to 12-hour format.

  • For details on dates in the load file, see Import Case Data.


Any value from

-2GB to +2GB

Var.-length string

  • Any numeric data.

  • The basic format is n.nnnn... (such as 0.1234...); Case Management will add zeros as needed to match this format, that is, a leading number and decimal value to at least the ten-thousandth place.




  • This field type is reserved for fields in an existing case that you want to delete.

  • A record of the field is maintained for administrative purposes, but the field is removed from Review and it is not included in administrative functions such as rebuilding the search index.

  • Deleted fields can be restored if needed.



Var.-length string

  • This field type is required/used when deduplication is selected for native file ingestion and a specific custodian is selected for ingested files.

  • Depending on options selected for the ingestion, the selected custodian will be added to either the CUSTODIAN or DUP_CUSTODIAN field.

  • Max. Per Case: 1



80 char.

Var.-length string

  • Used for parent/child relationships. For example, an email with attachments.

  • Identifies the final member in a set of related documents (contains the BEGDOC of the last document in the set).

  • The BEGATTACH field identifies the first member and the document to which the set is related.

  • The ENDATTACH value is identified and added to the field automatically when images are ingested or created through TIFF on the Fly or bulk TIFF. This field can also be updated automatically by validating images (using Case Tools).

  • Max. Per Case: 1




Var.-length string

  • Used to identify the final page of a multi-page document.

  • If the document is a single page, the ENDDOC value will be the same as the BEGDOC value.

  • The ENDDOC value is identified and added to the field automatically in the following situations: when images are imported via an .LFP file or a .DLF file that does not include the fields, if images are created through TIFF on the Fly or bulk TIFF, and/or if images or native files are ingested.

  • Max. Per Case: 1



1 GB

≤250 char.: var. length string

>250 char.: MEMO

  • Document’s text. Content appears in Extracted Text tab of Review.

  • Text is originally part of imported case, either in load file or in text files.

  • If document was originally electronic, text is “extracted” from original file. If originally paper (or came in as an image), text is the result of OCR'ing image. Other types of source documents may/may not include extracted text when imported.

  • Max. Per Case: 1



256 char.

Var.-length string

  • Used to identify native file type, such as Microsoft Word (DOC), Excel (XLS), or text (TXT).

  • Field is populated automatically based on native file types. Should not be edited in Review; certain actions (such as running Case Summary Data Report) will overwrite edits based on Case Management evaluation.

  • This field was called FILETYPE in releases prior to 2013.1.0 and was not automatically populated.

  • Max. Per Case: 1





  • ID used by Oracle Outside-in Viewer technology for native file determination and presentation.

  • Field is populated automatically based on native file types. Should not be edited in Review; certain actions (such as running Case Summary Data Report) will overwrite edits based on Case Management evaluation.

  • Max. Per Case: 1





  • Document page count.

  • Field is populated automatically and should not be edited in Review; will be re-calculated after certain actions, such as any time images are added to a case or when certain reports are generated.

  • Max. Per Case: 1




Var.-length string

  • Unique value representing document data; determined by Case Management when native files are ingested (or added if MD5_HASH data is included in an imported load file).

  • Used to assist in identifying duplicate documents.

  • MD5HASH values are initially created by a 128-bit algorithm performed on a document during discovery.

  • Max. Per Case: 1


1 GB

≤250 char.: var. length string

>250 char.: MEMO

Text field that allows large amounts of text.


256 char. per value;
1 GB total

≤250 char.: var. length string

>250 char.: MEMO

  • Any multiple-value text data, for example, a list of e-mail recipients.

  • The delimiter separating values is defined as part of the import process. Default is a semicolon (;) but a custom delimiter can be specified.

  • Field type can be changed only to/from MEMO or EXTRACTEDTEXT if field contains data.



256 char.

Var.-length string

  • Path and filename of native file at time of import into Case Management. For ingested native files, the path is as specified for the ingestion (case directory or original file location).

  • This is a default field type added automatically to a case when it is first created.

  • Max. Per Case: 1





  • Size, in KB, of each native file in a case.

  • Field is populated automatically. Should not be edited in Review; certain actions (such as running Case Summary Data Report) will overwrite edits.

  • Max. Per Case: 1


Any value from
-2GB to +2GB


  • Any numeric data.

  • Format of data is as imported or edited.




Var.-length string

  • Unique value representing document data; determined by Case Management when native files are ingested (or added if SHA1_HASH data is included in an imported load file).

  • Used during deduplication to identify duplicate files.

  • SHA1_HASH values are initially created by a 160-bit algorithm performed on a document during discovery.

  • Max. Per Case: 1


1,000 char.

Var.-length string

Any single-value text data, such as an Email Subject field.





  • Size, in KB, of the extracted text existing for each document in a case.

  • Field is populated automatically by Case Management and should not be edited in Review; certain actions (such as running Case Summary Data Report) will overwrite edits.

  • Max. Per Case: 1


6 char. (as stored internally); see notes.

Var.-length string

  • Time information. Any standard time format can be imported or entered (such as 12:00 AM or 23:00:00).

  • If AM or PM is not included with 12-hour value, AM is added.

  • Format example: hh:mm:ss AM (or PM); 24-hour times are converted to 12-hour format.


14 char. (as stored internally); see notes.

Var.-length string

  • Identifies the date and time for files, including daylight savings offsets, for native files that include timezone metadata.

  • Populated automatically during native ingestion. (May also be imported if load file includes such data, or added manually to a case.

  • Used in conjunction with a case’s Native Time Zone offset to ensure dates (such as those in email headers) are correct in Quick View and for images created by TIFF on the Fly.

  • Max. Per Case: 1




Field options and flags: There are additional options that can be set for fields. These settings provide additional functionality during review. Default settings and available options vary by field type; check the selections when creating new fields.

ClosedClick here to see the available field options and flags.

Add, Edit, or Remove Fields

Complete the following steps to add, edit, or remove fields.

Note: Before you begin, make sure to read the sections which describe the field types. See About Database Fields.

  1. After completing Step 2, continue with Define Database Fields page of the wizard.

  2. You can add, edit, or remove fields, as required to meet your business needs.

    To add a field:

    1. Click Add.
    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the field.


      • Do not begin and end a field name with parentheses. For example, do not name a field (AUTHOR). Parentheses within a field name, such as AUTHOR(S), can be used, however.

      • Do not use “_DocID” as a field name; this name is reserved.

    3. Select a field type from the Field Type drop down menu. This is the type of data that will populate the field. Selecting MULTI_VALUE enables you to add a field that has a list of values the user can choose from.
    4. Select the flags to use for the field. The options are:
      • None
      • Sort Key - If you pick Sort Key you must also pick one of the following:
      • Primary Key (Sortable)
      • Category - If you pick Category you must also pick one of the following:
    5. If you selected Use Pick List, Use Control List, or Use Name List:

      • You can enter the values for your list in the box below. You should enter one list item value per line.
      • You can also import a list (.csv, .txt, or .xls format) by clicking on the Import button, locating and selecting the file, and clicking the Open button.
      • When finished creating the list, click Save.
      • The field is added to the database and the Define Database Fields page displays. You can repeat this process for up to 500 fields, which is the field limit for the case.
    6. When finished, click Next.

    To edit a field:

    1. Click on a field in the Database Fields table and then click the Edit button.
    2. In the Name field, edit the field name.

      NOTE: Ensure required system fields are defined as needed; they are typically not edited (other than field name changes) after a case is created.

      For other field types, editing limitations may exist after a case is created and/or data added. Limitations will be indicated in the Field Definition dialog box.

    3. Select a field type from the Field Type drop down menu. This is the type of data that will populate the field. Selecting MULTI_VALUE enables you to add field that has a list of values the user can choose from.
    4. Select the flags to use for the field. The options are:
      • None
      • Sort Key - If you pick Sort Key you must also pick one of the following:
      • Primary Key (Sortable)
      • Category - If you pick Category you must also pick one of the following:
    5. If you selected Use Pick List, Use Control List, or Use Name List:

      • You can enter the values for your list in the box below. You should enter one list item value per line.
      • You can also import a list (.csv, .txt, or .xls format) by clicking on the Import button, locating and selecting the file, and clicking the Open button.
      • When finished creating the list, click Save.
      • The field is added to the database and the Define Database Fields page displays. You can repeat this process for up to 500 fields, which is the field limit for the case.
    6. When finished, click Next.

    To remove a field:

    1. Click on a field in the Database Fields table and click the Remove button.

      The field is removed from the list of fields for the case.

    2. When finished, click Next.

ClosedStep 4: Create a Tag Palette

The tag palette includes groups of tags that are to be applied to each document and/or page in your case. To ensure proper and efficient review processes within your organization, Case Management enables you to define tags, tag groups, and tagging rules.

Complete this section to define tags for your new case. Or, you can skip to the next step in the wizard and manage tags after the case is created.

NOTE: In Ipro for desktop, tags can be applied at the document level and/or the individual page level. All tags that you define for a case can be used as document tags or page tags (depending on user privileges).

About tags

As with many Ipro for desktop tasks, proper planning will help ensure that the tags and tag groups you define meet your needs and include the needed rules and options.

  • Groups: Consider the groups you will need, naming conventions, and which groups should have the rules explained in the following table.

  • Tags: Give some thought to the tags that will be included in each group, as well as tag options that apply.

  • Nested tags: Understand the behavior of nested tags so that tags will be organized as intended.

Group rules

ClosedClick here to view the table that lists rules that can be applied to tag groups.

Tag options

ClosedClick here to view the table that lists options available for tags.


Nested (Parent/Child) Tags

“Nested” tags include primary (“parent”) tags and one or more subordinate (“child”) tags, as in the following example. Multiple levels of tags can exist, creating a “tree” of related tags.

ClosedClick here to see a description of the behavior of "nested" tags.



The behavior of nested tags is the same in Review whether the tag is being applied to a single record or multiple records (including applying a tag to search results). Behavior differs a bit depending on whether or not the Require Child Tag rule has been set for the tag group containing the nested tags. (See Group rules.)

  • If the Require Child Tag rule has not been applied to the tag group, behavior will be as follows:

    • If a parent tag is applied, it alone is applied.

    • If a child tag is applied, the child tag and its parent tag(s) up the tree are applied.

    • If a parent tag is removed, any child tags (down the tree) that have been applied are also removed.

    • If a child tag is removed, the parent tag(s) (up the tree) will remain applied.

  • If the Require Child Tag rule has been applied to the tag group, behavior will be as follows:

    • A parent tag cannot be applied by itself; it will automatically be applied when a child tag is applied (child tag at the lowest level of tags for any set of tags within the group).

    • If a child tag is applied, the child tag and its parent tag(s) up the tree are applied.

    • If a parent tag is removed, any child tags (down the tree) that have been applied are also removed.

    • If a child tag is the only tag at its level, it cannot be removed; it will be removed automatically when its parent is removed.

    • If multiple child tags exist at a particular level and more than one of these tags is applied, then individual child tags in that level can be removed as long as at least one child tag is still applied.

  • Note that error messages will appear in the Review status bar regarding application of tags when this rule is in effect.

Define tags for a new case

The Step 4. Create Tag Palette tab allows you to create new tags and/or modify tags that have been added from an existing case or case definition (.CSE) file.

NOTE: Before you begin defining tags, give some thought to tag naming conventions, grouping, and organization. Ensure that reviewers will easily understand how to use the tags. If you have not done so already, see About tags.

To define tags while creating a new case:

  1. After completing Step 3, continue with the Create Tag Palette page of the wizard.

    NOTE: If you have not already done so, review About tags.

  2. To create a new tag palette or to edit and remove tags and tag groups, click Modify Tag Palette.
  3. To create new tag groups:

    1. Click the Create Group button. A new group appears in the Modify Tag Palette box, in the left pane of the wizard.

    2. In the Modify Tag Palette box, click on the group you just created.

    3. In the Tag Group field, on the right side of the wizard, type a new name for the group.

    4. In the Tag Group Rules section, check the rules you want to apply to the tag group.
    5. When finished, click the Save button.

  4. To create nested (child) tags:

    1. In the Modify Tag Palette box, in the left pane of the wizard, click on the group you want to add child tags to.
    2. Click the Create Tag button. A new child tag appears in the Modify Tag Palette box, in the left pane of the wizard.

    3. In the Modify Tag Palette box, click on the child tag you just created.

    4. In the Tag field, on the right side of the wizard, type a new name for the tag.

    5. In the Tag Options section, check rules you want to apply to the tag.

    6. Click the Save button.
    7. Repeat these steps for each of the child tags you want to create for the selected group tag.
  5. To modify tag groups or tags:

    1. In the Modify Tag Palette box, select the tag group or tag.

    2. In the Tag Group or Tag section (depending on whether you selected a group or a tag) make changes as necessary and click the Save button.

    3. Repeat step b for all changes.

  6. To delete a tag group, select a tag group and click the Delete Group button.

  7. To delete a tag, select a tag and click the Delete Tag button.
  8. Users also have the option to use keyboard shortcuts to apply tags to documents. Shortcuts for tags begin with the Ctrl key. Define shortcuts for the lowest level of tags (that is, not parent tags or tag groups) using a letter (A-Z). To assist users, shortcut keys appear in the Doc and Page Tags tabs in Review.
  9. When finished, click Next.

ClosedStep 5: Create Redaction Palette

About redactions

Up to 99 redaction categories can be defined.

  • If you create a case from an existing case, the redactions defined for that case will be included in the new case.

  • If you create a case using a .CSE file, you have the option to include the redactions defined in the .CSE file. If you do not include the redactions in the .CSE file, then the default redaction palette will be used for your new case.

  • If you create a case based on a blank template, the default redaction palette will be used.

Complete this section to define redactions for your new case. Or, you can skip the Create Redaction Palette tab and manage redactions after the case is created.


Before you begin, plan your redaction palette.

  • Redaction categories can be created with or without labels.

  • Redaction and label font color can be selected.

  • The order in which redactions are defined determines how they will be listed for selection in Review, so redactions should be defined in the order of frequency of use. In particular, the first redaction defined will be the default selection in Review; make sure it will be the most frequently used.

Identify the redaction categories you will need for the case, and give some thought to the labeling conventions as well as colors.

Define redactions for a new case

The Step 5. Create Redaction Palette step allows you to create new redactions and/or modify redactions that have been added from an existing case or case definition (.CSE) file.

NOTE: Before you begin creating a redaction palette, if you have not yet done so, review About redactions.

To define tags while creating a new case:

  1. After completing Step 4, continue with the Create Redaction Palette page of the wizard.

  2. To create a new redaction:

    1. Click the Add button.

    2. Complete the Add Redaction dialog box as described in the following table.

    3. Redaction Definition




      Required: Enter a name for the redaction. This name will appear on the redaction, and will be scaled to fit the size of the redaction applied by the user.

      Font, Font Size, and Font Style

      To change the font, font size, and font style, click the drop down arrows to make selections. Note: because labels are resized when redactions are applied, the font size defined here is simply a baseline.

      Font Color and Redaction Color

      To change the font and/or redaction color, click the drop down arrow for each and select a color from the color palette.


      Optional: Enter notes or details about this redaction.

    4. When finished, click Save.

    5. Repeat these steps to add additional redactions.
  3. To modify a redaction:

    1. Click the Edit button.

    2. Edit the redaction, as necessary.

    3. When finished, click Save.

    4. Repeat these steps to edit additional redactions.
  4. To remove a redaction:

    1. Click a redaction to be removed.

    2. Click the Remove button.

      The redaction is removed from the Redaction palette.

    3. Repeat these steps for all redactions to be deleted.

  5. When finished, click Next.

ClosedStep 6: Select Case Options

Case options allow you to define tagging, history/tracking, and date format details. Default selections exist for all options. If the default selections are not correct for your case make changes as follows:

  1. After completing Step 5, continue with Select Case Options page of the wizard.

  2. In the Tagging Options group, select the needed tagging option:

    1. Limit tags to document level: A reviewer will be able to tag documents but not individual pages of a multi-page document.

    2. Limit tags to page level: A reviewer must tag each page of a multi-page document.

    3. Allow tagging at document and page level: A reviewer can decide whether to tag a document or individual pages of a multi-page document.

  3. In the History/Tracking Options group, select or clear the actions to be recorded for reporting purposes. Each selected action will be recorded in the database and details will be presented in one of the reports explained in Overview: Reports.

  4. In the Date Format Options group, select the format for DATE and/or DATE_TIME fields (see User-defined Fields). These selections specify how dates will display in Review (after data is imported and/or a reviewer edits a date field).

    1. Display Format: select the order of date components as shown in the figure on the right. Day = dd, month = mm, and year = yyyy.

      ClosedClick here to see a table that lists date format examples.

      Date in
      Load File ±


      Date will display as...

      Date Format


      Zero Fill

      May 2012



      (no option selected)



      Do NOT Allow Partial...


      month dd, yyyy


      Do NOT Allow Partial...

      Use Nine to Fill...

      May 99, 2012

      Empty date field



      Fill Empty Dates




      Fill Empty Dates

      Use Nine to Fill...


      month dd, yyyy


      Do NOT Allow Partial...

      Unknown 00, 0000

      ±Or entered by reviewer in a coding form or the case table.


    2. Delimiter: Select the separator for date components as shown in the following figure.

    3. Zero Fill: Select the manner in which partial or empty date fields are handled. See the table below for examples describing how empty or partial dates are handled:

    zero fill options selected

    Description of outcome

    Example Partial Date

    Imported date value

    No action is taken on the data. Partial dates come in as partial dates and blank date fields remain blank. All dates will be padded based on the Display Format chosen for the case.



    <blank date>



    None, the field is blank

    If a document has a partial date, the record will be ingested but the partial date will be blanked out. An error message is logged notifying you that the date in the load file is invalid. All dates will be padded based on the Display Format chosen for the case.






    None, the field is blank

    If a date field in a record is blank the field will be filled with zeroes.

    <blank date>


    If a document has a partial date, the empty portion of the date is filled with nines. All dates will be padded based on the Display Format chosen for the case.



    <blank date>



    None, the field is blank

    During import, if a document has a partial date, the empty portion of the date is filled with nines. Blank dates are also filled with nines.

    If a date field in a record is blank, the field will be filled with zeroes.


    <blank date>




  5. To require validation of the load file data that you will import after the case is created, select the Require Validation of Load Files option. When this option is selected, a warning will display during the import process if any errors exist in the load file (for example, missing images).

  6. (Optional) Native Time Zone: This setting controls the time used during date and time formatting. It controls how header date and time values display for emails in the Quick View tab, and also controls the date and time for TIFF images generated from the Quick View tab (TIFF-on-the-Fly). The default setting is (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time (0 offset).

  7. In Review, this setting will not affect or modify dates and times stored as text or in the metadata fields associated with the displayed values. Thus, the values in the native files may differ from those in the Quick View tab (or TIFF-on the-Fly images). To modify the native time zone, select a timezone from the drop down.

    NOTE: An offset may also be defined in Ipro eCapture. If your case documents will come from eCapture, you may want to check with the eCapture administrator and use the same time zone.

  8. Stop words are automatically enabled for any newly created case. To make it so that these terms can be searched as well, select the Disable use of Stop Word List option. For more information regarding stop words, see Work with Stop Words.

  9. When finished, click Next.

ClosedStep 7: Define Case Options

ClosedStep 8: Review Case Summary

When all steps have been completed, Case Management checks your entries and presents a summary.

  1. After completing Step 7, the Summary page displays.

  2. Review the basic details of your new case.

  3. Click the Edit button to change the Client ID, case name, matter number, etc.

  4. When all case details shown on this tab are correct, click Create and wait as Case Management establishes the case.

  5. After the case is created, the Confirmation page displays. Click Close to close the wizard.