QC Items

Before you begin, see Set up User-Defined Flags for information on adding user-defined flags to the QCQuality Control. A process performed on a Processing Job to ensure accuracy of the final, delivered data. QCing can be performed on one, some, or all available categories and/or one, some, or all flags (Passed QC, Text Missing, Low Priority, etc.) flag list. You may want to add QC flags before you begin the QC process.


Note: The job type (Processing or DataComprises documents, numbers, files, emails, and any other information stored on a digital device. In eCapture, refers to the electronic files that are discovered and processed. Extract) determines the availability of the QC functions.


  1. Select a Session tab.

    Note: When you initially create a session for a Processing JobThere are two types: Search and Standard. The Search Processing Job allows the culling of data by the dtSearch indices created during discovery. The Standard Processing Job acts upon all files of the selected Discovery Job or Jobs. If more than one Discovery Job is selected, the contents are treated as a single, combined Discovery job for the purposes of searching and de-duplication. During this process task, images are created, raw text is extracted, word positions are extracted, and metadata is extracted for an item. or Data Extract Job, you have the option to create more than one. For each session you create, a corresponding tab will exist with the conditions you selected. For example, you may have selected the Category Microsoft Word, and then chose the Passed QC flag. When you mouse over the Session Tab, it will show this information.

  2. Select the first item in the Documents List Window. If necessary, customize the displayed fields.

  3. Click OK to apply the sort. If you click another column to sort, the previously sorted column is restored to its original state. Multiple columns may also be sorted.

  4. To sort a column, click the column heading and choose either Ascending or Descending Order. A dialog appears with the specific selection.

  5. Select an Image View area Tab (Image,Thumbnails, or View).
  6. Notice the QC flags in the QC Flag window. One or more of these flags may already be set.
  7. Begin to QC using the QC function toolbar icons (availability of icons depend on the Job type) described in the following table:



Result and/or Action

Accept an item



the Passed QC Flag

The item remains in the list until you close QCing for the Processing Job or Data Extract Job. The system flags the item as "Passed QC".

SHORTCUT: By pressing the Enter Key on the keyboard, you will move to the next image in the list AND apply the PASSED QC flag automatically. To remove the PASSED QC flag, simply press the DELETE key on the keyboard. You may now assign a flag or flags that are appropriate for the current image.

Reject an item


Rejects a previously accepted item. The "Passed QC" flag is no longer assigned to that item.


or F4

The system automatically scrolls through each image based on the settings in the Auto-QC Options dialog. After invoking Auto-QC, use the + to increase speed by 25% or use the - to decrease speed by 25%.

Show Reprocess Options

or F12

Opens the Reprocess Options dialog applicable for the Processing Job (General, Excel, Word, PowerPoint) or for the Data Extract Job.

Reprocess the selected item

or F7

This option is disabled for a single selected document that has the imported native placeholder StellentID (14000).

The item is reprocessed by eCapture and remains in the list until it is flagged as "Passed QC". If you hold the CTRL key and click the icon, it will force the documents through Oracle (formerly Stellent) instead of the document type routines of eCapture. This does not apply to IBM Notes emails which cannot be handled by Oracle. When the Image to PDF option is selected in the General Tab (Processing Options), the image is reprocessed as a .PDF and stored in the Output directory.

If reprocessing a Data Extract document and one or more OCROptical character recognition. In eCapture, OCR text is created during a Processing Job, if possible. Otherwise, extracted text is created. A separate text file is created for each page processed. options were selected in the Options for Data Extract Job dialog, a dialog appears indicating OCR is being performed on the document - page by page. The OCR operation may be canceled if necessary. Cancellation results in all pages, where OCR was not attempted, to be considered an OCR failure. The primary reprocess operation updates the OCR Low Confidence (average for all pages) flag accordingly.

Reprocess an item in its native application


Note: This option is disabled for a single selected document that has the imported native placeholder StellentID 14000.

or F8

The native application opens. Ensure that the default printer is a Premium EDD Driver. Click the application’s Print button to reprocess the item. Close the native application. The item is reprocessed and remains in the list until it is flagged as "Passed QC". The metadata is populated. If you hold the CTRL key and click the icon, it will display a dialog where you can reprocess the item using the selected application.

Reprocess selected in Native Application via ShellExecute Print

Applies for both Processing Job and Data Extract Job sessions


Note: We recommend culling the document set down to the minimum number of items to minimize QCer interaction as well as breaking up larger groups of documents into multiple QC sessions and QCers. This will help cut down on the amount of time it takes to reprocess using ShellExecute Print Reprocess.


This option is disabled for a single selected document that has the imported native placeholder StellentID (14000).

Files must have an associated Print command for this feature to function without user intervention. This feature works best with Office, HTML, and text documents. Office 2007 is required for the full functionality of this feature.

The Office 2003 Print command does not work with HTML e-mails. If there is no associated Print command, the QCer will be prompted to Native Reprocess.

There should be a user monitoring the ShellExecute Print Reprocess as there may be dialog prompts, such as an error opening the Native application, that will not be handled automatically.

View in Native Application


Note: This option is disabled for a single selected document that has the imported native placeholder StellentID 14000.


Opens item in the native application for viewing. If you hold the CTRL key and click the icon, it will display a dialog where you can view the item using the selected application. Useful for testing output.

Reprocess all documents in the list

or F9

All documents in the list are reprocessed. If you hold the CTRL key and click the icon, it will force the documents through Oracle (formerly Stellent) instead of the document type routines of (Undefined variable: Primary.Ipro_eCapture). This does not apply to IBM Notes emails which cannot be handled by Oracle.

Rotate every page in the document to the left


Rotates every page in the currently selected document 90 degrees to the left.

Rotate every page in the document to the right


Rotates every page in the currently selected document 90 degrees to the right.

OCR Pages with missing text


OCRs the current document selected in the list. Hold down Ctrl and click this icon to force OCR of all pages in the selected document.

Documents (images and PDFs) may be OCRed in Processing Jobs only.

Note: If any text already exists for any pages in a selected document set, any existing text is overwritten.

To OCR a group of non-contiguous documents, ctrl-click each document in the list separately. Each selected document is highlighted.

To OCR a group of contiguous documents, click the first document in the list and then shift-click another document in the list. These two documents, along with the documents that are located between them, will be OCRed. All documents in this contiguous group are highlighted.

During OCR, a Progress dialog appears.

If the job is canceled, a prompt appears indicating that OCR was aborted by the user.

Note: OCR functionality is not available for ADDAutomated Digital Discovery Imaging Jobs.

Replace DocumentIn eCapture, refers to an electronic file (letter, spreadsheet, slideshow, etc.) that can be discovered; or discovered and processed. Images with a Document Placeholder image

 to display the Placeholder Options dialog.


Ctrl + to create a Placeholder page that uses the default Placeholder options (no metadata)

Launches the Select Placeholder dialog where an existing, specific user-defined placeholder can be applied to the document.

Launches the Select Placeholder dialog where an existing, specific user-defined placeholder can be applied to the document.

For ADD Imaging jobs, placeholder functionality was added in version 2015.2.2. (Note: The ADD Imaging job itself is not impacted when using the placeholder function.)

User-defined placeholders may be created while an ADD Imaging job session is open. New or modified placeholders will be immediately available for use.

After the placeholder is applied, a new load file is created and the image is automatically loaded back to the case in Eclipse.

A new directory is created beneath the output directory supplied when the ADD Imaging job is created named QC0000X, where X is the identifier for the reprocess/placeholder operation. The new placeholder images are created in this directory as well as the load file(s) that contain the information about the documents that were replaced with placeholders.

A callback is executed to load the new set of images into the review application such as Eclipse.

Note: For user-defined placeholders, full metadata for documents sent through ADD imaging is now stored in the metadata tables. The metadata displayed in QC is still limited to 6 standard fields; however, if a document is replaced with a user-defined placeholder, full metadata is available for the user-defined/custom fields. Any documents processed in earlier versions will not have this metadata stored.

Delete selected page


Deletes page in the image window. A deleted item will not be exported. None of the item’s information will be referenced.

For ADD Imaging jobs, deletion functionality was added in version 2015.2.2. (Note: The last page of a document cannot be deleted. At least one page must exist in the document for an ADD Imaging job.)

After deletion, a new QC volume directory is created beneath the original ADD imaging job’s output location and the remaining pages of the document are moved into that volume directory. Bates renumbering takes place to avoid gaps.

A new load file is created using the options of the ADD Imaging job and points to the remaining images. A callback is executed to load the new set of images into a review application such as Ipro Eclipse.

Delete page range

Delete from current page through end of document. Deleted items will not be exported; nor will the information from the deleted items be referenced.

For ADD Imaging jobs, deletion functionality was added in version 2015.2.2. (Note: The last page of a document cannot be deleted. All pages of a document cannot be deleted. At least one page must exist in the document for an ADD Imaging job.)

After deletion, a new QC volume directory is created beneath the original ADD imaging job’s output location and the remaining pages of the document are moved into that volume directory. Bates renumbering takes place to avoid gaps.

A new load file is created using the options of the ADD Imaging job and points to the remaining images. A callback is executed to load the new set of images into a review application such as Eclipse


Mark Document As Exception

The marked document will show up as an exception in the Exception Reports. This differs from the QC Flag because the document will appear in the exception reports.

ClosedAbout Exception and Unknown Files

Files that could not be processed successfully are flagged as exceptions. Generally, these files are password-protected or exceed the page count set for Max Page ThresholdIn eCapture, a setting (in page numbers) used for bypassing larger files and inserting a placeholder for them. For example, if you set a threshold page value of 10, then eCapture will process items with 1 to 10 pages and insert a placeholder for items with 11 or more pages. setting in the Processing Job Options:General OptionsTab. For example, if the setting was 10, then the result would be one placeholder image as well as the 10 pages that did process before hitting the threshold setting.

Placeholder images are used for the document instead of processed images.

Unknown files either have a placeholder images or are processed as is.

ClosedViewing a document's metadata or Extracted Text/OCR

Reviewing Extracted TextBased on the native file and is completely accurate. Unlike OCR, it does not rely on character recognition. A separate text file is created for each page processed./OCR Data

Click the Extracted Text/OCR Tab above the image list. Each page will show extracted text.

ClosedReviewing metadata

Click the metadata Tab above the Documents List window. eCapture QC supplies all document metadata gleaned during processing.

You cannot edit the metadata.

ProcessStatus field is included and shows a field value of either Failure or Success.

As of version 2016.3.3, a new metadata field Flag Status was added to the MetadataMetadata describes how and when and by whom a particular set of data was collected, and how the data is formatted. Created by the native program (e.g. Microsoft Word, Outlook) and is maintained with the native file (the letter or e-mail). eCapture uses a component called Oracle® Outside-In Technology (formerly Stellent), which extracts the metadata from the native files during the electronic discovery process. metadata can show the history of a document, where it went, how it was used, what it “did”. It shows how a document was created, the date it was created, modified, and/or transmitted, and the person or persons who handled the document. tab in QC for ADD StreamingThe process of automatically copying, processing, filtering and loading data into review systems. jobs. This metadata field appears based on whether or not a follow up flag was clicked for an Outlook message. In Outlook, the default setting is a transparent, clear flag. When the flag is clicked, it changes to red. When the red flag is clicked, it changes to a gray checkmark. The Field Values for the Flag Status field are 1, 2, and 3 depending on the number of times the follow up flag/checkmark was clicked for the Outlook message. The Flag Status metadata field will not appear in the metadata list in QC if the follow up flag was not clicked for a message.