
After the script file has been created and saved in the appropriate case directory, you can execute the script by opening Presentation mode and typing the filename of the script (excluding the extension) followed by the [Enter] key.

For example, to execute a script that was saved as Script01.SCR, type Script01 and then press [Enter].

To manually execute the next step of a script, enter the Step Script command (–SS) and press [Enter] or just press the [Spacebar].

When TrialDirector reaches the end of a script, it will start the script over again.

You can interrupt the script at any time by manually entering commands. The script will pick up where it left off when you step the script or wait long enough for the pause time to expire in the script.

Note: When you interrupt a script, remember that the script is going to pick up right where it left off. If you switch modes or rearrange a lot of items, the script may not move items around the screen the way you wanted it to.

Press [Esc] to close a script.


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Use a Presentation Command List

Overview: PRESENT