Export Document Data

You can export document data, including metadata, item information, and referenced documents within the case, from the Documents Explorer.

Open a case in TrialDirector 360 EVIDENCE and follow the steps below:

  1. In the Documents Explorer, click the Export Document Data button.

  2. The Export Document Data dialog appears.

  3. Click the Browse button in the dialog.

    The Browse for Folder dialog appears.

  4. Navigate to the location where you want the export file to be generated.

  5. Click the OK button in the Browse for Folder dialog.

  6. Select the types of data you want to include in the export.

    • Pages

    • Status

    • Description

    • Exhibit No.

    • Trial Exhibit No.

    • Common Name

    Note: You can set up your selections in Evidence User Preferences so that you don't have to select the same options every time you want to export the document data.

  7. Click the Export button in the Export Document Data dialog.

  8. The export file is generated at the location you selected.

    The export file can look like this:


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Overview: Documents

Export Clips from the Clips Explorer

Export Multimedia Clips from the Multimedia Explorer