Add a Segment to an Existing Clip

You can add a segment to an existing clip in a case using any of the following methods:

  • The Transcript Work Area right-click context menu

  • The Clips Work Area

Transcript Work Area Right-Click Context Menu

To add a segment to an existing clip from a transcript, open a transcript in a case and follow the steps below:

  1. Select text within the transcript in the Transcript Work Area.

  2. Right click on the selected text.

  3. The context menu appears.

  4. Click the Add to Existing Clip button.

  5. The Add to Existing Clip dialog appears.

  6. Select a clip from the list in the dialog.

  7. Click the Yes button.

  8. The selected text from the transcript is added to the selected clip.

Clip Work Area

To add a segment to a clip from the Clip Work Area, open the Clips Explorer in an open case and follow the steps below:

  1. Select a clip from the Clips Explorer.

  2. Click the Launch Work Area button.

  3. The Clip Work Area appears with the clip you selected populated inside.

  4. Click the Add Segment button in the Clip Work Area ribbon bar.

  5. The Add Clip Segment dialog appears.

  6. Enter the Page:Line reference range in the fields.

  7. Enter the Start Page:Line reference and the End Page:Line reference in their respective fields (e.g. 6:12, 7:10).

  8. Click the Save button.

  9. The segment is added to the clip.


Related Topics

Overview: Clips

Work with the Clips Work Area Ribbon Bar