Review/Change Database Records

The Case Management workspace, in the Administration module, provides a summary and details for the records in your database on the Database Records tab. Evaluate or verify records in a particular case as follows:

  1. On the Dashboard, click the Administration module.

  2. Click the Case Management drop down and then click Case Management.

    The Case Management area displays.

  3. Select a Client and Case.

  4. Click the Database Records tab.

  5. Click List All Records to see records in the Documents list, or click Build Search to view specific records. For details on searching, see Overview: Search.

  6. Evaluate records as explained in Overview: Case Records. Possible activities include:

    • Reviewing the Documents list or document details

    • Deleting a document, page, or set of documents

    • Checking/changing file paths

    • Viewing images

  7. When finished, continue with other administrative activities.


Related Topics

Overview: Edit Cases