Import OCR Files


Once a case is defined and case data is imported using one of the previous procedures, OCR files (plain text files containing image OCR) can be imported from a local or network folder.


  • Files will be imported if:

    • Files are named with image keys that correspond to image keys existing in your case.

    • The first line in each file contains the image key, in the format <<IMAGE_KEY>>.

  • For document-level OCR files, files named with the image key of the first page of document will be imported.

  • NOTE: Data in the EXTRACTEDTEXT field will be overwritten with the OCR content that you import.

Import Procedure

To import document- or page-OCR from text files:

  1. On the Dashboard, click the Administration module.

  2. In Administration, expand the Import/Export menu and click Import OCR.

  3. On the Import OCR workspace, select the needed client and case.

  4. Select the Page Based or Document Based option, depending on the contents of your OCR files:

    • Page-based: Select this option if one text file exists for each page. For each page, OCR will be appended and added to the document's EXTRACTEDTEXT field. The system checks the text files to determine which files goes with which document based on the image key. As soon as all OCR is found for the document, the system applies the OCR to the EXTRACTEDTEXT field and saves it to the database. The system then looks for text files for the next document.

    • Document-based: Select this option if one text file exists for each document. The system “bulk inserts” OCR for all documents at one time.

  5. Index After Import: If you selected Document-based, select this option if you do not want to index the OCR files for search purposes at this time. (This option does not apply to the Page-based option because indexing occurs “on the fly” with that option.)

  6. NOTE: If OCR files are not indexed when they are first imported (for example, to save time), you can build the OCR index later.

  7. Image Key Option: Select the method of image key identification, File Name or First Line in File.

  8. Enter a full path to the folder containing the OCR files or click and navigate to the needed folder.

  9. If the files are contained in multiple folders in the location specified in step 7, click the Include Subdirectories option.

  10. To save the import settings (for example, for future import jobs or to complete this import at a later time), click Save Import Settings. When the save is complete, a message displays in the Administration status bar.

  11. When you are ready to import the file(s), click Import. Wait as files are processed; a progress bar indicates job status.

  12. After the import completes, note important information in the status bar. Click View Log File to check details of the import.

  13. Verify the import by reviewing the case details.


Related Topics

Overview: Import/Export