Overview: Designations

TRIAL DIRECTOR EVIDENCE allows you to manage designation types and apply them to transcripts.

Designations Explorer

Within the Designations Explorer, you can view and manage all the designation types with applied page and line references in transcripts. Only designation types with references in a transcript appear in the explorer. The explorer allows you to add, edit, or remove designation types, as well as search for specific types or references applied to the entire case.

You can also change the view of the explorer to show designation types applied by party using the Change View button.

To open the Designations Explorer, expand the Explorer dropdown at the top-right corner of the screen. Then select Designations.

Designation Work Area

The Designation Work Area provides you the ability to assign a designation type and party to transcript page and line references in bulk.

To open the Designation Work Area, click the Launch Work Area button in the Designations Explorer.

View the following articles for more information:

Add a Designation to a Case

Edit a Designation Type

Edit a Party in the Designations Explorer


Apply a Designation to a Transcript

Reassign a Designation

Work with the Designation Work Area Ribbon Bar