Smart Collection

We could call it smart collection and identification. The idea is to have IPRO Search connect to all the data sources relevant to your organization, keep a permanent collection, and an up-to-date index of the information. The index contains clear reports of jobs run and you get confirmation that all data is indexed.

When an eDiscovery request is made, inside or outside counsel can quickly identify a complete but minimum set of data by processing directly in the source location. Then in one swoop, the information is collected, put on legal hold, and exported thereby completing the review, produce, and present process. This allows you to complete the eDicovery process in your standard tools for providing the information to your counsel.

The following workflow explains all key steps and roles:

What is great is that this process applies not only to on-premise data, for which many organizations have collection tools, but also applies to all of the popular cloud services, such as Box, OneDrive, O365 email, Egnyte, and more. So within IPRO Search, you can collate documents to a minimum data set that will significantly reduce the cost of eDiscovery. Plus, the overall process is much shorter, reducing timelines, and allowing organizations to prepare better for litigation.