About Groups

Groups are an essential part of query building in Advanced Search. Groups are used to contain collections and rules. The minimum number of groups you can have is one, and there is no upper limit on how many you can create. The groups are displayed sequentially in the order in which you create them.

A key feature of groups is using Any Of and All of, which is covered below.

When searching within several nested groups, the query can become complex, thereby increasing the likelihood of making a mistake when building your query. It is strongly recommended to keep your query as simple as possible.

Working with Groups

There are several ways to build groups in IPRO Search. You can build the architecture of your groups before adding collections. To add a group, click Add Group. To remove one, click the X above the group.

You can also add collections and groups simultaneously.

Each new group is indicated by a different shade of gray to help you visually distinguish them from other groups.

When you are working with several groups, follow the group boundary lines and color schemes to know which group you are in. Expand the Advanced Search box if you need more space on the screen.

After done adding group, you can add collections and rules within them—see About Rules.

Using Any Of and All Of

In Advanced Search, both groups and rules can be set to return results according to the following Boolean operators:

  • All Of
  • Any Of

All Of corresponds to the AND operator. Use this when all of the queries in your search must be true in order to return a result. This narrows the scope of search results.

Any Of corresponds to the OR operator. Use this when only one of the queries in your search must be true in order to return a result. This returns the widest scope of search results.

In the example shown below, the query is set up to return results for the following scope:

  • An email sent to Ted Barker has either "credit card", "bank account", or "SSN" in the subject line
  • Independently of the above, an email that has "credit card", bank account" and SSN in the body (sent to anybody)

This means that the following scenarios would not return any results:

  • An email with "credit card" in the subject line sent to only Brenda Turner
  • An email with only "bank account" and "SSN" in the body but not "credit card"
  • Attachments that meet the scope criteria
For information on some parameters in the Advanced Search dialog box, click the Help button.
It is important to follow the lines demarcating each group in order to determine if Any Of or All Of applies to a query. Some of the operators in your query may not have any effect until there is more than one rule in your group. For more information, see About Boolean Operators.

For more information, see About All Of, Any Of.

In order to save your search criteria, you must perform the search before the 20-minute timeout.