Administering NetGovern Search

This guide is intended for the NetGovern administrator whose job is to configure NetGovern Search for eDiscovery and keep it running over time. eDiscovery with NetGovern involves connecting to all data sources relevant to your organization, keeping a permanent collection, and an up-to-date index of the information. The index contains clear reports of jobs run and confirmation that all data is indexed.

When an eDiscovery request is made, inside or outside legal counsel can quickly identify a complete but minimum set of data by processing directly in the source location. Then in one swoop, the information is collected, put on legal hold, and exported. This allows your legal team to complete the eDicovery process using standard tools.

This process applies not only to on-premise data, for which many organizations have collection tools, but also applies to all of the increasingly-popular cloud services, such as Box, OneDrive, O365 email, and more. So within NetGovern Search, you can collate documents to a minimum data set that will significantly reduce the cost of eDiscovery. Plus, the overall process is much shorter, reducing timelines, and allowing organizations to prepare better for litigation.

The NetGovern Administrator's Job

When it comes to administering NetGovern Search, there are three basic operations you must perform in order for your users to perform eDiscovery efficiently. When configuring your system for the first time, make sure to do it in the following order:

Between each step, verify that configurations are working properly by testing it after specifying settings.

Here is an overview of the roles within NetGovern:

About Storage Devices

A storage device is a path to a storage target, either local or on the network. Each storage device can have multiple repositories associated with it.

One you have defined the storage devices, you can link them to one or more storage locations. To create a storage device, a name, path, and credentials are required—refer to Configuring Storage Devices.

About Storage Locations

Storage locations define one repository of electronic information. These are visible and selectable in NetGovern Search according to the rights assigned to the dase manager. The configuration of a location will differ depending on whether it represents on-premise archives, cloud storage, live mailboxes, etc.

With Netmail Search, you can simultaneously view and select data from multiple archive repositories, email and file locations. For eDiscovery purposes, the main storage locations are: Microsoft Exchange, Box, Windows File Share (WFS), Microsoft SharePoint, Citrix ShareFile, and Microsoft OneDrive.

The configuration of storage locations begins with specifying the name of the storage device first, then specifying one or more storage locations.

For more information, see "Configuring Storage Locations" on page 1.

About Crawlers

A crawler is a job that indexes information from specified storage locations. The gathered information is sent to the index for search purposes. If it is the first time a crawler is indexing a location, then it will index the entire contents of the storage location, which will take some time. However, the next time it should take less time as the crawler will only pick up the latest information to appear in the storage location since its last pass, and update the index.

For eDiscovery purposes, the most important jobs you need to configure are the default crawlers for the main storage locations: Box, Windows File Share (WFS), SharePoint, ShareFile, and OneDrive.

For more information, see Configuring Crawlers.