Self-Service FAQs

Expand the options below to find the answers to our most common questions about the Self-Service module.

ClosedMy status gauges are not making any progress. What is the issue?

Usually, this is caused by the eCapture Worker being turned off. Contact your administrator to turn on the worker.

ClosedWill data that I’m processing through the system have images generated?

No, images will not automatically be generated. In order to generate images, follow the OPEN DISCOVERY Review Imaging workflow. See Perform Mass Action Imaging for more information.

ClosedMy custodian doesn’t currently exist in my case, how can I add them?

If the custodian you need does not exist, you must add it:

  1. Click .

  2. In the Custodian field, enter the needed name. This custodian will be added to the Processing case as part of the upload.

ClosedI’m trying to upload loose files to Self-Service.  Why am I getting an error message?

Self-Service only accepts uploads in container file format (zip, rar, pst, nsf, etc.). If you need to upload non-container files, you can do so through Media Manager.

ClosedHow do I pause or cancel an upload after it has begun?

Use the icons next to the Upload Status progress bar to cancel, pause, or restart an upload job. See Pause, Cancel, or Restart an Upload for more information.

ClosedHow do I know if any errors occurred while uploading my documents?

If there are any documents with errors, the number of errors display on the status gauge in Upload history and status grid.

The errors also display when you click the status gauge to display the Job Status popup.

See View Upload History and Status for details.

ClosedHow much data can I post through Self-Service?

There is no limit on the amount of data you can upload through Self-Service. The recommendation of upload size is completely dependent upon the user’s bandwidth and upload speed.


Related Topics

Overview: Self-Service