Review FAQ

This topic provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding the ECA & Review component.


ClosedWhat is Dynamic review, and why should it be used?

Dynamic review is a workflow that aims to get data into review as fast as possible by only imaging what needs to be imaged. This is intended to save time that would otherwise be spent on imaging most of the incoming data.

ClosedAre there recommended screen resolution settings for IPRO Review?

Recommended screen resolution for IPRO Review is 1024x768. Lower resolutions are possible, but elements begin to clip together in Review, and other aspects of OPEN DISCOVERY outright deny access until the recommended resolution is met.

ClosedWhat are the primary differences between IPRO Review and Eclipse?

IPRO Review is the more modern implementation of Eclipse, and offers several benefits over Eclipse. Some notable benefits include: Better browser compatibility, not needing to install software on the client system (or download an XBAP), better UI, and improved integration with IPRO Processing and Media Manager.

ClosedIs the overall progress of batch management tracked in Review the same way it is done in Eclipse?

Yes. Often this is done through a Review Manager or Attorney tracking the overall progress in the Batch Management screen.

ClosedCan batches be checked out by other reviewers?

Yes. Specific reviewers who have the proper expertise can check out batches.

ClosedIs there a way to allow manually checking out a batch before a specified timeout? Will the same batch be returned?

Users can configure batch timeout at a case level from within batch management. You no longer need to use SQL to accomplish this.