Select Data Extract Report Options

Select from the following Data Extract Reports for one or more selected Data Extract Jobs. (For information on how to reach this screen, see the Running the Reports section below.)

Summary Reports

  • Comprehensive: Combination Report consisting of summaries of discovery, filtering, de-duplication, and processing. If job has metadata fieldnames exceeding 50 characters, the report will show this above the Totals line.

  • Keyword Hits: Summary of keyword hits by phrase and document counts resulting from Flex Processor rules. It shows search terms encountered by number of documents containing search hits, documents containing unique hits only, and documents containing unique hits (family). Shows a percentage of document population containing search hits. A separate breakdown of search terms is listed below the reports with totals for: Documents, Total Hits, Unique Documents, and Unique Documents (Family).

  • Items: Summary of items processed by type and category. If job has metadata field names exceeding 50 characters, the report will show this above the Totals line.

  • Errors: Summary of errors encountered during processing.

  • Flex Processor Results: Summary of items not processed due to the rules settings. Returns Total Rule Hit, Effective Rule, and Action Summary. The Total Rule Hit summary gives a total count per rule of documents that fit the criteria of the rule. This is regardless of what was actually processed; if a document fits the criteria of more than one rule, it gets included in the count for that rule. Effective Rule summary differs. A single document can only have one Effective Rule (the last rule encountered for which a document fits the criteria). Though the single document may fit the criteria of multiple rules, the last rule it hits on will be its Effective Rule. Action Summary shows action selection totals.

  • De-duplication: Summary of items not processed due to de-duplication settings.

Detailed Reports

  • Items: List of all items processed by discovery path. If the job has metadata field names exceeding 50 characters, the report will show this above the Totals line.

  • Errors: List of errors encountered during processing.

  • Flex Processor Results: List of items not processed due to the rules settings. Columns include Rule (Order), Criteria, Search String, Action, Item ID, File Path, File Name, Extension, and File Size.

  • De-duplication: List of duplicate items and what they were duplicates of. Displays de-duplication settings, Project/Custodian descriptions, and MD5Hash duplicates.

  • Metadata: List of items processed during data extraction that contain metadata.

  • Office Linked Content: List of hyperlinks and OLE links found in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint documents.

  • OCR Status: List of all documents that were OCRed during Discovery that gave low confidence values.

Running the Reports

If running the report from the context menu, see Run Reports using the Context Menu.

If running the report from the Reports Module, follow the instructions below:

  1. From the eCapture Controller, choose View > Reporting from the menu bar to open the Reports Module. The Reports Module opens as a separate application.

  2. Select the needed options for the report you intend to run.
  3. (Optional) Select the option Include Page Counts if you want the Report to display a Page Count column and a Page Count Errors column.

    Note: This option may not be available for some Reports. When available, this option appears next to the Run Report button at the bottom of the dialog box.

  4. Click Run Report. A separate window opens and displays the results for each selected report type.

  5. (Optional) Click Save Report. The Report Output File dialog box opens. Navigate to a directory and assign a filename. The Report is saved as a .CSV (Comma Separated Value) file format.


Related Topics

Overview: Reports

Select Processing Report Options

Select Discovery Report Options

Select Export Report Options

Streaming Discovery De-Duplication Detailed Report