Introduction to eCapture

eCapture is designed for high-volume electronic data discovery (EDD) processing and incorporates a distributive processing model whereby Discovery Jobs, Processing Jobs, Data Extract Jobs, and Export Jobs are distributed to multiple workers simultaneously. The processes are designed around jobs, not sequential processing. eCapture was designed around SQL for large scale data storage. The Enterprise platform works with eCapture and Ipro Eclipse. For more information about Enterprise and Ipro Eclipse, visit To learn more about how to use Enterprise and Ipro Eclipse, visit the Ipro Help Center.

Overview: eCapture Controller

When a job (Discovery, Processing, Export) is created from the eCapture Controller, the eCapture Workers are automatically assigned the tasks of completing those jobs. The Worker workstations perform the actual discovery and processing of the electronic files. The Workers wait for the tasks assigned by the eCapture Queue Manager.

All data that is discovered is indexed (optionally), hashed, and extracted, allowing for one or more Processing Jobs or Data Extraction Jobs to be run using a single data set. There is no need to re-discover the same set of data. Search and/or process as many times as necessary. In addition, Data Extract Jobs or Processing Jobs can be created using more than one Discovery Job. Export Jobs are based off of one or more completed Processing Jobs or Data Extract Jobs.

Microsoft’s Enhanced Linguistic Service (ELS) was implemented to handle language identification for standard eCapture Discovery Jobs. Indexing is required for language identification in Discovery. If OCR is applied, language identification occurs using OCRed text.

The Flex Processor Rules Manager delivers measurable cost savings by reducing data collections prior to processing. The Flex Processor Rules Manager uses a rule-based system, similar to Microsoft Outlook, which allows an action set to be performed on a specific selection of files. Searching, Filtering, QC Flags, NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) of matches, and other criteria are all accessed from the Flex Processor Rules Manager interface.

Export Sets harness the power of QC. You can use Export Sets to create an export at the individual document level with sort capabilities. Export Series make it easier to output successive unattended exports that contain sequential image key numbering and volumes.

eCapture Hierarchy

The eCapture hierarchy is as follows.

Clients are at the top of the hierarchy.

Each Client has Cases (Projects).

Each Client also has Export Jobs. Under Export Jobs, you create Data Extract Export Jobs and Data Extract Export Series. Under Export Jobs, you also create Processing Export Jobs and Processing Export Series.

Each Case (Project) has Custodians.

Each Custodian has Jobs (Streaming Discovery, Discovery, Data Extract, Processing Jobs). Streaming Discovery jobs combine a traditional Discovery Job with a Data Extract Job.

eCapture Workflow

  • First, you create a Client. After the Client is created, the next step is to create the Case (Project) and the Custodian.
  • When creating a new eCapture Case (Project), the system will automatically display the Case (Project) Options (by default) so that you may select these options before proceeding with Discovery Jobs, Processing Jobs, or Data Extract Jobs for the new Case (Project).

  • When creating Discovery Jobs, Processing Jobs, or Data Extract Jobs individually, the system will automatically display the options for the relevant job type.

    Note: The case (project) options can be viewed and/or modified for each separate case (project) as well as for each individual job type.

  • After Clients, Cases (Projects), and Custodians are set up, Discovery can begin.
  • When a Discovery Job is created, a directory of the data collection is selected for Discovery. This process involves traversing a directory of electronic data and examining the file types in that directory. All data is hashed and indexed at this time.
  • Once a Discovery Job exists, multiple Processing Jobs or Data Extract Jobs can be created based on it. There is no need to repeat the discovery process on that directory. A Processing Job can be based on incomplete Discovery Jobs but will not execute until all dependent jobs are complete.
  • After the Processing and Data Extract Jobs are completed, QC can be performed.
  • After the Processing Jobs or Data Extract Jobs complete, the jobs are available for export.

The following diagram provides a high-level overview of the eCapture processing workflow.


Tip: Click on a box in the workflow diagram to jump to the corresponding procedure topic.


eCapture Modules and Components

The following table lists the modules that are included with eCapture and provides a description for each module.




A console used for creating Clients, Cases (Projects), Custodians, Discovery Jobs, Data Extract Jobs, Processing Jobs, managing/assigning task tables, creating export series, viewing detailed information about each Worker and the tasks being performed.

Limited Controller

Designed to give full viewing access to Clients, Cases (Projects), and Jobs. Jobs may be created but not started from the Limited Controller. Additional functionality includes managing merge jobs and running reports. Clients may be created from the Limited Controller.

Queue Manager

Assigns jobs to Worker workstations, shows activity for each Worker and the task type being performed, and shows status for each Worker.


An agent application that resides on the Worker workstations. It processes Discovery Jobs, Data Extract Jobs, and Processing Jobs that are started through the eCapture Controller. Each Worker workstation has its own license.

Quality Control (QC)

Checks the accuracy of processed jobs by category and/or flags. View metadata and extracted text/OCR for each image. Create export sets.


Numerous reports are available for Discovery Jobs, Data Extract Jobs, and Processing Jobs that include but are not limited to Comprehensive, De-duplication, Search, and Discovery. A new reporting function allows for multiple job selection of the same type. In addition, reporting is now available for export jobs.

Run the eCapture Controller

The full eCapture Controller (associated with a single eCapture Configuration database) may be run on multiple machines for more efficient management of jobs and improved auditing.

The following functions may be performed by users from any eCapture Controller with the last action taken, for each function, taking precedence.

  • Create new clients

  • Create projects

  • Modify projects

  • Set project-level defaults for any job

  • Start, pause, or delete any job

  • Associate project to an enterprise codename

  • Rename clients, projects, and jobs

  • Drag or drop export sets for any project

  • Update task table

  • Fail task on any job

  • Update worker patch management

  • Edit system options

  • Update NIST database configuration

  • Create, modify, or delete flex processor rules for any job.

  • Create custom hash lists for any job

  • Configure remote desktop options for workers

  • Edit export field lists for any job

  • Validate process jobs for any project

  • Deactivate or activate clients

  • Configure low disk space cutoff

  • Perform post-process operations on any job

  • Restart workers from worker patch management

eCapture Controller User Interface

The eCapture Controller serves as a command center where several different job types (Discovery, Data Extract, Processing, and Export) can be created, edited, monitored, assigned priorities, and deleted with ease.

The eCapture Controller user interface is designed for viewing the status of all the Workers that are actively connected to the eCapture database. The Workers perform discovery and processing in addition to other job functions. View all tasks that are currently running as well as tasks that are waiting in the queue.

Closed eCapture Controller Layout

The eCapture Controller is organized into panes and tabs.

  1. Job Queue Pane - Displays a list of jobs and their status.
  2. Client Management Tree View and Status and Summary Panel - Displays clients and their cases (projects), custodians, and jobs (organized by job type).
  3. Worker Status Information Tab and Pane - Displays the registered and active workers
  4. Queue Status Information Tab and Pane - Displays the queued and active tasks by Task Table.
  5. Controller Status Bar - Displays database, subscription, and user information.

The following sections outline each of the various areas of the eCapture Controller user interface and provide links to topics related to the specific tasks performed in the application.

ClosedJob Queue Pane and Toolbar

The Job Queue Pane provides a List of jobs and their statuses. Just above the Job Queue Pane is the eCapture toolbar that lists information about jobs in the Job Queue.

Job Queue Pane

The Job Queue pane is located in the top half of the eCapture Controller user interface.

The columns are as follows:

  • ID - Used by SQL.
  • Job Type - The type of job being executed. The options are Discovery, Streaming Discovery, Data Extract, Export, or Processing.
  • Job - The name assigned.
  • Client - The client assigned to the job.
  • Case (Project) - The Case name assigned and which Project the job is a part of.
  • Custodian - The custodian for the selected job.
  • Status - The state the job is in, such as In Progress or Paused.
  • Progress - The information displayed in the Progress column varies depending on whether or not indexing is enabled.
    • If Indexing is not enabled, the Progress column will show the total number of Index items followed by the number of actual items that were completed, e.g. 2546 (1324).
    • If indexing is enabled, the Progress column will show the number of items indexed. Using the previous values, 2546 (1324:456), the second value in the parenthesis (456) reflects those items that have been indexed. For multiple discovery jobs in a multi-worker environment, the retry progress is shown for index entries remaining. For example, the values displayed are 512 (512:67 - 45), where 45 would indicate index tries remaining only if there are incomplete retries. Index retries remaining will count down; that is, get smaller as retries are completed. Processing Jobs and Data Extract Jobs show percentage complete, e.g. 23.81%, out of 100%.
  • Filter State - The Filter State shows whether Filtering was applied for that job.
  • Task Table - The task table assigned to the selected job.

The Job Queue Pane remains static regardless of which tab is accessed underneath it. However, the data within the Job Queue Pane is dynamic based on the discovery job, data extract job, export job, and/or processing job activity. Once a job’s progress is completed, it disappears from the queue. All queue related options (interval refreshing, job priority changing, manual refreshing) are disabled while queue operations are being performed. Clearing the check box in the Job Queue pauses the job but it still remains in the queue. Jobs may not be paused during the Job start or Job completion phases. To start any job, select the check box for that job.

To locate the selected job in the Client Management Tree View, right-click the job (in the Job Queue) to display the right-click context menu. Click Locate jobname. The job highlights in the Tree View.

Job Toolbar Icons

The icons/options in the eCapture Controller toolbar are as follows:

  • Refresh Icon: Click it to refresh the Queue.

  • Green Circle Light: Queue operations light. This light changes to light green to indicate queue activity.

  • Processing Update Intervals: To control how frequently the processing status updates, select an Interval Value from the drop-down menu in the eCapture toolbar. Interval Values are Off, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 seconds as well as 1, 2, 5, 10, and 30 minutes.

    If you do not want updating to occur, select OFF in the drop-down menu.

    Warning: Turning the interval OFF will prohibit Job start and Job completion routines to complete.

  • Job Queue Priority Icon: You can change a job’s position in the queue by either moving it before or after another job in the queue using the Change Job Priority function. For more information, seeChange the Priority of a Job in the Queue.
  • Show Log File Icon: Errors are logged to a file named CONTROLLER.LOG. When an error occurs, the Show Log File icon will change to a Warning icon. Click the warning icon. Notepad opens and displays the error(s), and the Warning Icon changes back to the Show Log File icon. Whenever an error is encountered, the Warning Icon will display in the Controller toolbar. This file records all job status changes and any timeouts or errors reported during the job start sequence or during the job queue refresh. It also records the start of the deletion agent.
  • Note: Use the Apply Rules dialog box if the rules you want to apply were not already applied from the Flex Process Rules Manager.

    Click to open the Apply Rules dialog box and apply rules to one or more selected jobs from the Job Queue pane before starting the jobs if the rules were not already applied from the Flex Processor Rules Manager.

ClosedClient Management Tree View and Status and Summary Panel

On the left side of the lower portion of the eCapture window, the Client Management Tree View displays. The Tree View is an organized visual representation of Clients, Cases (Projects), Custodians, the Custodian’s jobs (discovery, data extract, or processing), and Export Jobs.

When the Client Management tab is selected, the Status and Summary Panel, on the right, displays the summary information for the selected Client, Case (Project), Custodian, Job Type, or Job.

By right-clicking the different items, various right-click context menus display that allow you to take action on the selected Custodian, Case (Project), Job Type, or Job.


On the Client Management Tree View, when you click a client, the Status and Summary Panel displays a Cases (Projects) tab and a Notes tab.

  • Cases (Projects) tab - The Cases (Projects) tab lists the cases and custodians related to the selected client. You can double click a case or custodian to navigate to the selected item in the Client Management Tree View. and view summary information about the selected case.
  • Notes tab - On the Notes tab you can type add notes related to the selected client.

Cases (Projects)

On the Client Management Tree View, when you click a case or custodian, the Status and Summary Panel displays the Jobs, Containers, and Notes tabs.

  • Custodians tab - The Custodians for the selected Case (Project). Click the Add Custodian button to add a new Custodian to the Case (Project).
  • Containers tab - The Containers tab shows information about containers identified in the project. Containers are files that contain other files. For example, eCapture can extract a PST file that has MSG files. MSG files might also have attachments, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Image files. The fields displayed in the tab, include Name of a user-defined Container (node), the Custodians, Discovery Jobs (a semicolon-delimited list in which containers exist), Data Extract Jobs (a semicolon-delimited list in which containers exist), Processing Jobs, (a semicolon-delimited list in which containers exist) and Path to the container. On the Containers tab, you can click the Export button to export the list of containers to a CSV file.
  • Notes tab - On the Notes tab you can type add notes related to the selected Case (Project).


On the Client Management Tree View: when you click a custodian, the Status and Summary Panel displays the Jobs, Containers, and Notes tabs.

  • Jobs tab - The Jobs tab lists jobs for the selected Case or Custodian.

    When the root level of the Custodian is selected, the Status and Summary Panel displays a list of the jobs and their current status.

    Right-click (or double click) any job in the list to display the context menu selection Locate Jobname. Click the selection to go to that job in the Client Management Tree View. The Information Panel changes from list view to the details about the selected job.

    The columns can be sorted in Ascending or Descending order by clicking the column heading. For example, click the column heading ID to sort the ID numbers in Descending order. Click the column again to change the sort to Ascending order.

    A Task Table drop-down menu is available on each panel to facilitate the ease of changing the Task Table if necessary. For example, the currently selected Task Table for the Custodian will show as the default task table when a new Job (Discovery, Processing, or Data Extract) is created.

    Icon Descriptions:

    • indicates that job completed with errors. This icon appears for Discovery jobs only. Double-click the job in the list to go to the Status and Summary Panel for the job.
    • indicates job completed with no errors
    • indicates job completed with errors.
  • Containers tab - The Containers tab shows information about containers identified in the project. Containers are files that contain other files. For example, eCapture can extract a PST file that has MSG files. MSG files might also have attachments, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Image files. The fields displayed on the tab include the Name of a user-defined Container (node), the Custodians, Discovery Jobs (a semicolon-delimited list in which the container exists), Data Extract Jobs (a semicolon-delimited list in which the container exists), Processing Jobs, (a semicolon-delimited list in which the container exists) and the Path to the container. On the Containers tab, you can click the Export button to export the list of containers to a CSV file.

  • Notes tab - On the Notes tab you can type add notes related to the selected custodian.

Job Type Folder

On the Client Management Tree View, when you click on a jobs folder (Streaming Discovery, Discovery, Data Extract, or Processing) , the Status and Summary Panel displays the Jobs, Containers and Notes for the selected job type.

  • Jobs Tab - The Jobs tab lists all of the jobs of the job type selected for the Custodian.

    When the root level of the Streaming Discovery Jobs, Discovery Jobs, Data Extract Jobs, or Processing Jobs is selected, the Status and Summary Panel displays a list of the jobs and their current status.

    Right-click (or double-click) any job in the list to display the context menu selection Locate Jobname. Click the selection to go to that job in the Client Management Tree View. The Information Panel changes from list view to the details about the selected job.

    The columns can be sorted in Ascending or Descending order by clicking the column heading. For example, click the column heading ID to sort the ID numbers in Descending order. Click the column again to change the sort to Ascending order.

    A Task Table drop-down menu is available on each panel to facilitate changing the Task Table if necessary. For example, the currently selected Task Table for the Custodian will show as the default task table when a new Job (Discovery, Processing, or Data Extract) is created.

    Icon Descriptions:

    • indicates that job completed with errors. This icon appears for Discovery jobs only. Double-click the job in the list to go to the Status and Summary Panel for the job.
    • indicates job completed with no errors
    • indicates job completed with errors.
  • Containers Tab - Displays a list of the containers for the selected job type. On the Containers tab, you can click the Export button to export the list of containers to a CSV file.
  • Notes Tab - On the Notes tab you can type add notes related to the selected job type.

Discovery and Streaming Discovery Jobs

On the Client Management Tree View, when you click either a Discovery Job or a Streaming Discovery Job, the Status and Summary Panel displays the Directories, Node-level exceptions, Item-level exceptions, and Notes tabs.

  • Directories tab - Displays a list of directories where data is stored for the selected job.
  • Node-level exceptions tab - The Node-level exceptions tab lists the number of node-level exceptions in parentheses. Click the tab to view the exceptions. A node-level error means that a problem was encountered when extracting the contents of a container (for example, the email store, a folder within the email store, or a loose file with attachments). Node-level errors indicate that items are missing from the production set. Item-level errors mean that an error was encountered on a specific item. If items in the production are password protected, these items should be reflected in the Detailed Error Report that lists errors and status messages encountered during discovery. Indexing errors means that dtSearch encountered an issue when trying to acquire the text of a document. The Requeue Attempts column lists the number of times the node-level exception was requeued. The Date Last Requeued column lists the date when the node-level exception was last requeued.

    Double-click the exception to open the Discovery Error Information dialog box to read information about the error.

  • Item-level exceptions tab - The Item-level exception tab lists the number of item-level exceptions in parenthesis.
  • Notes Tab - On the Notes tab you can type add notes related to the selected job .

To view a list of the Discovery Job fields displayed on the Summary panel, and tasks you can perform by clicking the available buttons, click Closedhere.

The Discovery Job information includes:

  • ID
  • Status
  • Name (double-click to display the Rename Job dialog to rename the Job)
  • Task Table
  • Batch ID (double-click to open Batch ID dialog if necessary to modify ID before starting job)
  • Location (path where job files and the SETTINGS.INI file are located; this path can either be the default path assigned by eCapture or can be user defined)
  • Description
  • Discovered Items
  • Indexed [Errors]
  • OCR Applied[Errors] (where Applied shows the number of documents that required OCR (not OCRed) and where [Errors] shows the number of those documents that did not meet the specified average confidence level)
  • Unextractable Items (a count of files that were found but could not be extracted)
  • NIST Match Completed
  • Index Location
  • Date Created
  • Date Launched
  • Date Started (indicates when the job began its first actual task)
  • Date Completed and Index Status (displays if a job was indexed at creation time with indexing details or displays a separate message for the DEFAULT.ABC and/or the NOISE.DAT files if they were used to index).

If the job was not indexed at creation time, then it can be indexed afterwards.

  • The View Settings button allows you to view the options set for the selected job. If the settings can be modified, the button displays. The job’s status determines whether the Discovery Job options can be modified.
  • The Update NIST Matches function is used if the NIST database is loaded or requires updating.

  • The Modify Discovery Job button is available for completed Discovery Jobs that may require reindexing or node/item level exception requeuing.

For more information about jobs, see:

Overview: Jobs

Create a Discovery Job

Modify a Completed Discovery Job

Create a Streaming Discovery Job

Modify Streaming Discovery Jobs

Processing and Data Extract Jobs

On the Client Management Tree View, when you click either a Data ExractJob or a Processing Job, the Status and Summary Panel displays the Selected Discovery Jobs and Notes tabs.

Selected Discovery Jobs tab - Displays the Discovery jobs associated with the selected Data Extract or Processing job.

Notes tab- On the Notes tab you can type add notes related to the selected job .

To view a list of Data Extract fields displayed at the top of the Status and Summary Panel, and tasks you can perform by clicking on the available buttons, click Closedhere.

The Data Extract Job information includes:

  • ID
  • Status
  • Name (double-click the name to display the Rename Job dialog to rename the Job)
  • Task Table
  • Location (path where job files and the SETTINGS.INI file are located; this path can either be the default path assigned by eCapture or can be user defined)
  • Description
  • Processed Items (# of Errors, Placeholders, Duplicate Placeholders)
  • Removed Items (# of Duplicates, No Effective Rule)
  • Total Items (Process Items and Removed Items)
  • Date Created
  • Date Launched
  • Date Started (indicates when the job began its first actual task)
  • Date Completed

The Export Jobs box shows any created Exported Jobs with the ID, Name, Completion Date/Status, Exported [Errors], and Loaded [Errors].

The Exported [Errors] field shows the total number of exported documents with any encountered errors in brackets. The Loaded [Errors] field shows the total number of exported documents with any autoload errors (for either Eclipse or Relativity) in brackets. For Streaming Discovery and Export Jobs that are not autoloading into Eclipse or Relativity; and for incomplete Export Jobs, the Loaded field will be blank. Exported and Loaded document counts will reflect only completed Export jobs. As Export Jobs connected to Streaming Discovery Jobs are completed, the counts will increase. The Loaded count will match the Exported documents count unless errors occur during an Eclipse or Relativity autoload.

  • The View Settings button allows you to view the options set for the selected job. If the settings can be modified, the button displays.
  • The Manage Flex Processor Rules button allows you to access the Flex Processor Rules Manager. The job’s status determines whether the Flex Processor Rules Manager options can be modified. A message appears stating whether the options cannot be modified due to the Job’s status.
  • The Post-process operations button allows you to perform post-processing batch operations. The job's status determines whether the options can be modified or post-processing can be performed.
  • The Selected Discovery Jobs tab shows the ID, Name, Status, Items, and Description.

To view a list of Processing Job fields displayed at the top of the Status and Summary Panel, click Closedhere.

The Processing Job information includes:

  • ID
  • Status
  • Name (double-click the name to display the Rename Job dialog to rename the Job)
  • Task Table
  • Location (path where job files and the SETTINGS.INI file are located; this path can either be the default path assigned by eCapture or can be user defined).
  • Description
  • Processed Items (# of Errors, Placeholders, Duplicate Placeholders)
  • Removed Items (# of Duplicates, No Effective Rule)
  • Total Items (Process Items and Removed Items)
  • Date Created
  • Date Launched
  • Date Started (indicates when the job began its first actual task)
  • Date Completed

The Export Jobs box shows any created Exported Jobs with the ID, Name, Completion Date/Status, Exported [Errors], and Loaded [Errors].

The Exported [Errors] field shows the total number of exported documents with any encountered errors in brackets. The Loaded [Errors] field shows the total number of exported documents with any autoload errors (for either Eclipse or Relativity) in brackets. For Streaming Discovery and Export Jobs that are not autoloading into Eclipse or Relativity; and for incomplete Export Jobs, the Loaded field will be blank. Exported and Loaded document counts will reflect only completed Export jobs. As Export Jobs connected to Streaming Discovery Jobs are completed, the counts will increase. The Loaded count will match the Exported documents count unless errors occur during an Eclipse or Relativity autoload.

For the selected job:

  • The View Settings button allows you to view the options set for the selected job. If the settings can be modified, the button appears.
  • The Manage Flex Processor Rules button allows you to access the Flex Processor Rules Manager. The job’s status determines whether the Flex Processor Rules Manager options can be modified. A message displays stating whether the options cannot be modified due to the Job’s status.
  • The Post-process operations button allows you to perform post-processing batch operations. The job's status determines whether the options can be modified or post-processing can be performed.

For more information about Data Extract and Processing Jobs, see:

Overview: Jobs

Create a Standard Data Extract Job

Create a Standard Processing Job

Export Jobs

Export Jobs - the following display under Export Jobs in the Client Management Tree View:

  • Process Exports: displays a list of all the exported Processing Jobs and Data Extract Jobs. When you right-click Process Exports, a context menu displays with two options: New Process Export Job and New Process Export Series.

  • Process Export Sets: displays a list of the Export Sets created in QC for Processing Job(s). These Export Sets can then be exported.

  • Data Extract Exports: displays a list of all the exported Processing Jobs and Data Extract Jobs. When you right-click Data Extract Exports, a context menu displays with two options: New Data Extract Export Job and New Data Extract Export Series.

  • Data Extract Export Sets: displays a list of the Export Sets created in QC for Data Extract Job(s). These Export sets can then be exported.

Process/Data Extract Export Jobs

The information that displays in the Data Panel for either Process Export Job or a Data Extract Export Job includes: ID, Status, Name, Task Table, Location, Description (Path where job files and the SETTINGS.INI file are located), Exported count, Export Errors, Loaded [Errors], Date Created, Date Launched, Date Completed, and a list of Process Jobs (ID, Name, Status, Items, and Description).

The Exported [Errors] field shows the total number of exported documents with any encountered errors in brackets. The Loaded [Errors] field shows the total number of exported documents with any autoload errors (for either Eclipse or Relativity) in brackets. For Streaming Discovery and Export Jobs that are not autoloading into Eclipse or Relativity; and for incomplete Export Jobs, the Loaded field will be blank. Exported and Loaded item counts will reflect only completed Export jobs. As Export Jobs connected to Streaming Discovery Jobs are completed, the counts will increase. The Loaded count will match the Exported documents count unless errors occur during an Eclipse or Relativity autoload.

  • Clicking opens the Settings for Process Export Job dialog box to let you view the settings for the selected Exported Processing Job.
  • Clicking accesses the export directory to let you view the output. The View Output button will be grayed out for any Export Job that has not yet completed.
  • Clicking opens the Export Summary Report for the selected Process Export Job or Data Extract Export Job (including Eclipse and Relativity). The Summary Report differs for the type of export job. Information includes: Job Name, Volume Name, Categories, Export Errors (if any), # of Documents, # of Pages, Exported Size, Original Size Bytes, # of Volumes, Image Key Range, Date Created, Date Completed, and Export Location. Click Save Report to save the report to a CSV file.

Process/Data Extract Job Export Series

An Export Series can be created for either Process Exports or Data Extract Exports. The information that displays in the Data Panel includes: ID, Name, Description, Initial Bates, Next Bates, Initial Volume, Next Volume, Date Created, and the Export Jobs in the Series.

  • Clicking opens the Settings for Process Export Series dialog box to let you view the settings for the selected Export Series.
  • Clicking opens the Export dialog box that contains the Export Formats and the File Handling Options. The most recent options are displayed for the Series. Change these options and make any additional changes to the remaining Export dialog boxes. Any new jobs created going forward will use the new settings.
  • Clicking opens the Export Series Summary Report for the selected Process Export Job or Data Extract Export Job. The Export Series Summary Report shows Series Name, Export Job Name, Volume Name, Category, and Export Errors (if any) along with # of Documents, Exported Size, Original Size, Image Key Range, and # of Volumes. Click Save Report to save the report to a CSV file. The Original Size is the sum of the native file size of parent documents in the export as opposed to the parent documents in the Discovery Job. (For example, Discovery Job parents can be excluded from exports by the Flex Processor Rules Manager so that child documents can be exported as standalone documents rather than children. If this occurs, the native file size will be included in the total.)
  • The Export Jobs in Series tab shows the ID, Name, Status, Exported [Errors], Loaded [Errors] Bates Range, Volumes, and Volume Range. The Exported [Errors] column shows the total number of exported documents with any encountered errors in brackets. The Loaded [Errors] column shows the total number of exported documents with any autoload errors (for either IPRO Eclipse or Relativity) in brackets. For Streaming Discovery and Export Jobs that are not autoloading into IPRO Eclipse or Relativity; and for incomplete Export Jobs, the Loaded field will be blank. Exported and Loaded document counts will only reflect completed Export jobs. As Export Jobs connected to Streaming Discovery Jobs are completed, the counts will increase. The Loaded count will match the Exported documents count unless errors occur during an Eclipse or Relativity autoload.

  • The Notes tab is used to enter pertinent information.

ClosedWorker Status Information Tab

The eCapture Queue Manager is responsible for the data shown in the Worker Status Information tab.

The Registered Workers grid shows:

  • The interval value, in seconds. To adjust this value, click the arrow of the drop-down menu and select an interval value in seconds. To manually refresh, click .

  • Each of the Workers that are connected to the eCapture Controller

  • Each worker's IP Address

  • The Status of the worker (inactive, ready, assigned, busy, inaccessible path, low disk space, print spooler error, pending cleanup, graceful shutdown, restarting, and bandwidth limit reached)

  • The number of items In Process for the worker (discovery jobs, export jobs, and data extraction jobs) or percentage (%) in process (processing jobs only)

  • The Task Table name

  • The Enterprise Worker Status:

    • Eligible - indicates the Worker will be assigned both eCapture and Enterprise tasks
    • Exclusive - indicates the Worker will be assigned Enterprise tasks only [excluding Enterprise Streaming tasks], or blank
    • Ineligible - indicates these Workers will not be assigned Enterprise tasks
  • The Version number of the eCapture Controller.

  • Whether MS Office is Installed on the Worker. An X indicates Microsoft Office is installed for a specific Worker. The WorkerRegistry.HostMachineHasOffice field is set when the Workers start up and register themselves by inserting/updating their WorkerRegistry record. A value of 1 indicates Office is installed for the Worker. A value of 0 indicates Office is not installed for the Worker.

  • Right-click a worker in the Registered Workers grid to display a right-click context menu. On the menu, you can connect to a remote worker. Connection is available either by using the worker name, worker IP address, or through a custom port setting.

    Select from:

    • Connect to Worker by using /mstsc/console - No arguments

    • Connect to Worker by using /console

    • Connect to Worker by using /admin

    • Queue a restart task - Right-click a worker in the Registered Workers grid to display the context menu. Choose Queue Restart Task for an active Worker. This option is not visible on the Limited Controller.

The Activity for Worker grid shows the present activity of the Worker selected in the Registered Workers grid located above. The activity includes:

  • Task ID

    Task Type - discover files in a directory

  • Target Item - the path where the files are being stored as they are created

  • Client

  • Case (Project)

  • Custodian

  • Job

  • Duration - Dsplays the length of time (minutes and seconds) since the task was accepted by the Worker. This column is populated for all task types.

  • File size - Displays the size of the file (in kilobytes) being handled by the task. This column is populated only for Processing and Data Extract tasks.

To fail a task type, Right-click the task to display . This option is not available in the Limited Controller. Not all Task Types are available to fail.) Click to display the Fail Task of type Process File dialog box. The message in this dialog box may vary depending on the selected task.

ClosedQueue Status Information Tab

The Queue Status Information Panel displays the queued and active tasks by task table.

The two options located above the Queued Task and Active Task grids are:

  • Interval value shown in seconds. To adjust this value, click the arrow of the drop-down menu and select an interval value in seconds. To manually refresh, click .
  • The Task Table drop-down menu lists the Task Tables. Multiple eCapture Workers can be assigned to a specific task table. Click the drop-down menu to select a task table. The grid information below displays information pertaining to the newly selected task table.

The Queued Tasks Grid shows the:

  • Number of Queued Tasks
  • Activity (process file, etc.)

    Note: For Index Folders, one at a time will display. Therefore, 1 will appear in the Number column and the individual Index Folder n, (where n represents the Index Folder’s number), will appear in the Activity column.

  • Task designation: The task designation for the selected task.

    • Unrestricted - Tasks of this type may be performed by any worker at any time.
    • Restricted - One task of this type at a time per worker.
    • Exclusive - Only one of that type per Discovery Job, usually indexing.

The Active Tasks Grid shows the Worker and the Activity being performed on that Worker.

ClosedController Status Bar

The eCapture Controller Status Bar at the bottom of the Controller shows:

  • Database Server: The database server (SQL Server) that eCapture is connected to.

  • Database: The database currently being accessed.

  • Subscription:
  • Authorization Status: Indicates authorization type.

  • Authorized by server: This shows the Server IP and port number (or name) that is used for eCapture’s authorization.

  • QM: Displays the computer name the Queue Manager is running on.


Related Topics

Create a New Managing Client and a New Client

Create a New Case (Project)

Create a New Custodian

Overview: Jobs

Introduction to eCapture QC

Overview: Jobs

Overview: Enterprise Integration