FAQs: Case Story

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ClosedI added a workbook in Case Story where does it appear in TRIAL DIRECTOR?

When you create a workbook in Case Story, a corresponding workbook is created in TRIAL DIRECTOR. Changes made to the workbook in Case Story are reflected in the workbook in TRIAL DIRECTOR.

ClosedWhen I add a fact to the fact grid, the dates might be a date range. What date wildcards are supported?

  • Wildcards – Use the ? wildcard to replace an unknown day and/or month of the event's date. The wildcard will assume the middle day of the month, or the middle month of the year. For example:
    • ??/03/2004 will result in the date 06/03/2004
    • 06/??/2004 will result in the date 06/15/2004.
  • Yearly Seasons – Use of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter keywords is also supported.
    • Winter [December to February] – Entering the keyword Winter and the year will result in the date January 15 for the specified year. For example, entering Winter 2004 will result in the date 01/15/2004.

    • Spring [March to May] – Entering the keyword Spring and the year will result in the date April 15 for the specified year. For example, entering Spring 2004 will result in the date 04/15/2004.
    • Summer [June to August] – Entering the keyword Summer and the year will result in the date July 15 for the specified year. For example, entering Summer 2004 will populate with 07/15/2004.

    • Fall [September to November] – Entering the keyword Fall and the year will result in the date October 15 for the specified year. For example, entering Fall 2004 will result in the date 10/15/2004.

  • Months – Use of Early, Mid, and Late keywords is also supported.
    • Early – Entering the keyword Early and the month will set the date to the 5th day of the specified month. For example, entering Early January 2005 will result in the date 01/05/2005.

    • Mid – Entering the keyword Mid and the month will result in the date 15th day of the specified month. For example, entering Mid January 2005 will result in the date 01/15/2005.

    • Late – Entering the keyword Late and the month will set the date to the 25th day of the specified month. For example, entering Late January 2005 will result in the date 01/25/2005.

  • Yearly Quarters – Use of quarters are also supported.
    • 1st Quarter [January to March] – Entering the keywords 1st Quarter and the year will set the date to middle day of February for that year. For example, entering 1st Quarter 2004 will result in the date 2/15/2004.

    • 2nd Quarter [April to June] – Entering the keywords 2nd Quarter and the year will place the event in the middle day of May for that year. For example, entering 2nd Quarter 2004 will result in the date 05/15/2004.

    • 3rd Quarter [July to September] – Entering the keywords 3rd Quarter and the year will place the event in the middle day of August for that year. For example, entering 3rd Quarter 2004 will result in the date 08/15/2004.

    • 4th Quarter [October to December] – Entering the keywords 4th Quarter and the year will place the event in the middle day of November for that year. For example, entering 4th Quarter 2004 will result in the date 11/15/2004.

ClosedI know a specific document is related to a witness. How do I associate that document with the witness?

Add the witness to the Cast Explorer. In the Documents Explorer, right-click on the document ID and choose Add to Cast. Select the witness and click Add Item. For more information, see Add Case Objects to a Witness or Entity.

ClosedI want to add a document, transcript, or multimedia item to a workbook, how do I do that?

Add the workbook to the Workbook Explorer. In the Documents Explorer, Transcripts Explorer, or Multimedia Explorer, right-click on the item ID and choose Send Item(s) to Workbook. Select the workbook and click Send Items. For more information, see Add Case Objects to a Workbook.

ClosedIf I make changes to Case Story User Preferences, are those changes made in TRIAL DIRECTOR?

Yes, changes made to Case Story User Preferences are reflected in the TRIAL DIRECTOR User Preferences.